Death March

Lyrics by C.G. Ryche 

There was a time…
The year was 1941…
Under grey skies…
The Final Solution had begun…

It started with law…
The separation by creed and race…
Our nation would fall…
By decree we lost our place!

Striped of our rights…
They striped us of all that made us men
To weakened to fight…
It was the dawning of the end!!!

We cried out alone…
But only God could hear our prayer
Naked and cold…
How could people be so unfair?

The Death March began…
Ushered like sheep we were led to die  
They saluted their plan…
A systematic genocide

Whoa, oh, oh, oh… 2X

Hey You!!! . . . don’t leave me here
HEY YOU!!! . . . don’t leave me here!
You passed your laws to divide
You murder my people alive
Dear God, help us survive
Hey YOU, don’t you realize. . . what you’ve done!

I can see the promised land, yea!
Prophecies of God’s plan, yea!
Given us, the Holy land, yea!
He has not forgotten us! (2X)